
30 day song challenge. A song you wish you heard on the radio

A productive day today, purely because I wanted to get to this post as soon as I could, and with a little reshuffling of the running order, I have.

The amount by which the sales of Janelle MonĂ¡e’s ‘The ArchAndroid (Suites II & III)’ ( a sci-fi concept album, dying to be made into a film) have increased since her incendiary performance (which put Beyonce’s Sunday headlining set in it’s place) on the West Holt Stage at Glastonbury was broadcast on BBC3 on Saturday night.

Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Eight per cent.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

I’ve written about her once before, in the incredibly half arsed effort I posted prior to my sabbatical from this place, and until Saturday night I was slightly dumbfounded by the fact she is little know. Not for much longer.

‘Tightrope’, the James Brown/P-Funk inspired meat in this rather filling audio/visual sandwich, is for my money, one of the very best pop songs of the past few years, since 'Hey Ya' even. Not just a song I wish I heard on the radio then, but one I think I will do, increasing so.
 This is pop music exactly as it should be, vital, fun, about futurerobots (see album synopsis – is that a thing? – after the jump) and with a massive heart.

30 day song challenge. A song you used to love but now hate.

Bit of a cheat this one, ad it's not * exactly * the same song, but hey.

Deftones ' White Pony' soundtracked the summer I sat my GCSEs,  it's a seminal record, and it holds a very particular place in my heart. 'Pink Maggit' (top video), the closing track (yes, I know, 'The Boy's Republic', but that was only on the Limited Editions, so I'm discounting it, because I can) from that album really is something special, atmospheric, brooding....imagine my horror then, when, in what I can only assume was a cynical ploy to sell a bucket load of records, they reduced it to a nu-metal (a genre the Deftones were unfairly lumped into) dirge; 'Back to School (Mini Maggit)'  And the end of the video, dear god.....


30 day song challenge. A song that describes you.

Presented without comment.


30 day song challenge. A song that nobody would expect you to love.

One problem I've encountered in the incredibly slow undertaking of this challenge is the fact that a good friend of mine is also undertaking it.  Shouldn't be a problem really.  But the fucker keeps making the same point that I was planning on making a day or two later, leaving me with the option to either appear to be plagiarising his blog, or writing very little.  You fucker.

I digress,  this subject, much like the last has been one that's had me stumped since day one,  for one thing, I don't know what people expect me to like (skinny white men baring their soul perhaps, step forward Messers Oberst & Stevens) and secondly I think I have fairly eclectic tastes.  So, today's choice is not a song I love, but one I like, and perhaps one that stands out a little amongst my record collection.

*Some over egged analogy about vocals like gravel and other things that would hurt your knee if you fell on it.*
It's an incredibly laid back record, one to get absolutely mashed to (not that I would condone such things, or even know what I'm talking about, Officer), but behind that, lies some considerable menace.  It's also an utter mess, and all the better for it. 


30 Song challenge A song that is a guilty pleasure.

It would seem any pretense of this being a daily (or even weekly) project has long since evaporated, due entirely to me not being bothered (again) and having recently aquired 'LA Noire'.  Maybe I'll get it finished by the end of the year.

As my good friend Paul commented on his recent post on the same subject, the very idea of a guilty pleasure makes no sense to me, the thought of liking something, and being embarassed about it just doesn't compute, and as a result I've really struggled with this subject.  This song is NOT a guilty pleasure, but one I considered fot the next subject, it IS however, one of the best pop songs of the last decade, along with a number of this chap's other singles. (Also - before Timberland wasn't a massive pain in the backside.)


30 day song challenge. A song from a band you hate.

So, after the holiday from hell and an attemped break in twenty minutes after returning from said holiday, we'll get back to it.

I could have gone with The Feeling, or Bumford and Sons (god, i hate them.).  But the one band, over the past five years or so, that have made me vent my spleen (possibly) more than any other are The Hoosiers, (I really did stuggle to choose between this and 'Worried About Ray' - an ardous 8 minutes listening to both songs, sheesh - had to listen to Rebecca Black to cleanse my palate).  Their lead singer (the one with the stupid Ben Stiller-ish face) is called Irwin Sparks (Fuck Off, Yeh?), and there's that cunt with the Moustache.   The fact that it bears more than a passing resembelance To 'Mr Blue Sky' by ELO certainly doesn't help, and that faux kooky shtick....I can feel the rage building. God, i fucking hate this song, reading the utterly inane Youtube comments only adds to this feeling.

uh woah woah woaharrrrrrrrrrrghhhhh