
30 day song challenge. A song by your favourite band

As I write this, I'm sat looking out at the North Sea and Farne Islands, it's really rather bloody nice.  I might even post a picture in the next few days, if I can be arsed, that is.

Anyway, back to the point in hand.

It's been just over ten years since Tool's 'Lateralus' was released.  Tool have been my favourite band for ten years.  Coincidence?  It features a song largely written using the Fibonacci sequence, for fucks sake!

The song I have picked for today's post isn't from that album, but the one that followed it five years later, '10000 Days' (surely there's a new one due soon). 'Rosetta Stoned' encapsulates everything that make Tool my favourite band, the humour in the writing, the complexity, the drumming, sweet jesus, the drumming, and, perhaps most of all, Maynard James Keenan's vocal dexterity (especially live).  The video below features the lyrics to the song, and I'd strongly suggest watching it, otherwise you won't stand a fucking chance of understanding what on Earth he's on about. 


30 day song challenge. A song that makes you fall asleep

I can't think of a song that MAKES me fall asleep as such, I had considered posting a Sigur Ros song, but realised the accompanying blog entry would read thusly:

blah blah blah ethereal blah blah serene blah blah blah blah David Attenbrough documentary. blah.

and that would have been something of a cop out, yes?

In my...more formative years...I had a few audio staples that I would carry with me whenever a long journey was likely (it meant I could avoid listening to The Best of Simply Red in my parents car over and over...and over again.)  along with my Roald Dahl audio tapes was 'Now That's What I Call Music! 26'.  I'd like to say that I was an incredibly discerning 9 year old, and that the songs on that double cassette that really grabbed my attention were Radiohead's 'Creep', R.E.M's 'The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite' and 'Play Dead' by Bjork & David Arnold.  But they didn't.  That honour fell to 'Two Princes' by Spin Doctors and most of all 'Boom! Shake the Room' by DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince.

'NTWICM! 26' was also what I listened to, almost exclusively, when going to bed, and every time I did, without fail, I would wake up this song still in my head.

Night All.


30 day song challenge. A song that you can dance to.

I've had few days off, as I've been to see Wild Beasts in Sheffield, had the hangover from hell, and made an evening visit to our allotment.  I don't dance. Rather I can't dance. Rather I REALLY can't dance, so this one had me stumped.  Then the Mrs suggested this.  The video's really poor quality.  So are the lyrics actually, but hey ho.


30 day song challenge. A song you know all the words to.

Ah, they were heady days. I bought 'The Colour and the Shape' (I think the anglicised spelling made me like it all the more) in ooh... 2001, from HMV for £15.99. I NEEDED that album. It was, and is one of the best, simplest ROCK records I own. Which makes the Foo Fighters' terminal decline since then all the more upsetting. 'There Is Nothing Left To Lose' is by no means a bad album (and the one that introduced me to them, so I'll always have a soft spot for it) but it doesn't reward repeated listening, the way TCATS and 'Foo Fighters' do. Since then it's been a case of stadium rock filler, with a few notable exceptions 'In Your Honor' (note, this time, the lack of anglicised spelling) from the double album of the same name was a welcome surprise, and a lot of the second, acoustic disc is rather pleasant. The two teasers ('Rope', and particularly 'White Limo') from this year’s 'Wasting Light' (insert wasting something joke here) hinted at something of a return to form. They were the exception. It's just so very very dull, and I think, finally I may have finally given up on a band that I once adored (see also: Biffy Clyro).

'Monkey Wrench' isn't my favourite Foo Fighters song (that is, and always will be, clearly, 'Everlong') but it's certainly up there, with much of that second album they released 14 years ago.



30 day song challenge. A song that reminds you of a certain event.

Fast forward three and a half years, we learn that the child the girl is carrying no longer has a heartbeat, the induction process begins.  On the girls twenty-third birthday, after putting up the Christmas tree, we head to hospital, with the possibility that our child may be stillborn on the girl's birthday looming large in both of our minds.  As it turns out, Noah was born at 03:05 on 8th December 2008.  His hands marginally larger than my thumb nail.  The seven hours or so we spent with him, seemed simultaneously like seven seconds and seven days. 

There are a number of songs that I could have chosen for today's post; Megafaun's 'The Longest Day' (too country) and 'You Held the World In Your Arms' by Idlewild (too shit a title).  In the end I've gone with 'Pink Bullets' by The Shins, just for one line:

 "your memory is here and I'd like it to stay, warm light, on a winters day".


30 day song challenge. A song that reminds you of somewhere

Idiot Pilot - Spark Plug.

A few months before I met the girl mentioned in yesterday's post, I had agreed to move to Leeds with a couple of, we'll call them acquaintances (as one of them is an utter nut, and the other a dick of epic proportions).  This song (and the album it's taken from) reminds me of walking round Leeds looking for a job (unsuccessfully), getting the bus to work in York, and making a surprise visit to the girl's student digs in York, when she thought I was still in Leeds.  This is the first Idiot Pilot (described by Rock Sound as sounding like Hatebreed fucking Radiohead while DJ Shadow watches) song I heard, and it still leaves me slightly breathless.


30 day song challenge. A song that reminds you of someone

Straylight Run - The Tension & the Terror

One Tuesday in April 2005, I went for a drink with some friends, who DJ'd at the local 'rock' pub.  I got my beer, and sat down with them.  There was, amongst their number, someone who I'd not met before, but had been told plenty about, mostly about how ace she was.  We were introduced, and some noises emanated from my mouth.  I didn't see her again for a about 10 days, but she popped into my head every now and then, she seemed really nice I thought.  Back to the pub a few weeks later, and the guys were DJing again, I asked one of them to play this song, then sat, talked, and utterly hit it off (despite my intense awkwardness - which would lead me to believe, on a few occasions, I'd buggered it up without it even starting) with the girl. They played the song, I felt awkward, she didn't twig, they played it at my request over the next few weeks, eventually i told her to listen, oh, man, THAT smile, utterly floored me. 
We had a lot of fun, still do.


30 day song challange. A song that makes you sad

Can I choose an album instead? No? Bugger it, i'm *kind of* going to anyway.

I was struggling to choose today's song, fritting between Brand New's 'Limousine' and Sufjan Stevens' 'John Wayne Gacy Jr', then I remembered that the album this track is taken from existed. 
The album itself, 'Hospice' is about an emotionally abusive relationship, told through the analogy of a hospice worker and a terminally ill cancer patient.  This song, musically at least is one of the more upbeat moments on the record, but listen to the lyrics, and it's really not.  The Antlers new album 'Burst Apart' is released next week, and from what I've heard it's looking like it'll be a similarly sombre (if not quite as soul destroying) affair.


30 day song challenge. A song that makes you happy

I've left this a little late as I've just finished watching Gareth Edwards' stupendous 'Monsters', so it's an incredibly half-arsed effort today, sorry!

Everything about this song, the video included, seems to make me a child again (especially the drop around 2.22) it's so simple, so daft, so fucking catchy, i've listened to it three times in a row now.
Shame they're a bit shit now, ah well.


30 day song challenge. Day 2 - Your least favourite song.

*WARNING: Under NO circumstances should you watch the embedded video.*

No competition, at least until the next time I hear 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.
 I can feel my blood boiling as I type this,  this song is the most utterly banal, steaming pile of excrement that I have ever had the misfortune to hear.  There are no prime Fergie nuggets here, no chickens jacking her style, no lady lumps, no two-thousand-and-late, no shots of Tower Bridge in a song that repeatedly features the words 'LONDON Bridge'.
And to those who like this song, you are, without exception a shower of utter Germany's no. 11 at Euro '96.



Where were we? 30 day song challenge. Day 1

I just couldn't be bothered any more, is the honest truth.  I think it was trying to review Sufjan Stevens' 'Age of Adz' (without question, my favorite album of 2010) that did it, I just didn't know where to start, so I didn't.  But I'm back, at least for a while.  A few blogs I read have featured this meme, and, well, why not?
So, day 1...

Your Favorite Song

This is a toughy.  It's fluid. Yesterday it was 'The City' by The Dismemberment Plan.  But that's only because I listened to it.  In the end, it was a two horse race, and it'll be no suprise, given the name of this here blog, that Death Cab for Cutie's 'Grapevine Fires' edged it.  It ticks all the boxes for me,  Ben Gibbard's writing has rarely been better, the song evokes such a clear picture in my head, (it took me a while to get used the wonderful video that accompanies it) the backing vocals, Jason McGerr's exemplary (as ever) drumming, and that moment (around the 2:50) mark, where the slightly dischordant guitar part comes in....Jesus, I bloody love this song