
Bitter, Ignorance & Haggis

As far as ways to make people believe you're not racist, starting a sentence with the words "I'm not racist or anything but..." is not the best.
And so it was, sat at a desk doing the most mind numbingly dull work imaginable, that one of my colleagues began talking to the person next to her...great...i thought, another "they took our jobs" (see south park season 8, episode 6.) rant. Not so. A list of moderately offensive, not massively so, but still, a bit racist jokes, that either a) she was looking at on the internet or b) had been emailed...at work. And now I think that perhaps I'm not one to preach, as I didn't, as politely as possible, turn around and ask her to "please shut the f**k up" (at work, so having to censor slightly!).
Moving on, or rather, back, Wednesday night was a busy busy one. Almost a full three months after being given a home-brew kit, and after much procrastination (which, as a wise ladyonces told me "is the mother of all f**kups") I finally got round to bottling the stuff up, which took a fair old while, I tasted a bit, and it tasted like, well, bitter that isn't quite ready, which bodes well. Only two weeks and I can start drinking the stuff properly!
Haggis? Haggis. I had some in the fridge that need using that very night, and as I'd been making pizza bases before bottling my beer up, I thought, why not? As it turns out, haggis pizza is very very tasty indeed, not one for the purists in either camp, but I don't care, it made my mouth and belly rather happy.

Hopefully within the next week or so I'll have another couple of reviews up, one of which I've been meaning to do for 6 weeks...talk about procrastinating!

Finally, Shutter Island, that was a bit good.

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