
Baby's first blog

So, this is my blog, I am blogging, and now a blogger, by the time I have posted this I will have blogged.

I decided to set this up partially to spur me on to start reviewing gigs and albums again, but it'll also be somewhere for me to rant, witter and harp on about various bits and pieces.

The lovely Mac and I have membership at the local Picturehouse cinema, which, coupled with orange Wednesdays means that it costs all of £3.50 for both of us to watch summat there and as a result, we've seen some film that perhaps we wouldn't have otherwise. Last night was one of those instances, the Nick Hornby scripted 'An Education' based on the memoir's of the same name by Lynn Barber is not a film, I think, that either of us would have usually taken any notice of. But I'm incredibly glad we did. 'An Education' is both tremendously funny and incredibly poignant, a master class in independent British film making
I don't want to go into full blown review mode, suffice to say this film is incredibly well written (would you expect anything less from Nick Hornby?) the setting (early 60's, in the outskirts of London) is spot on, and the acting throughout is excellent, particularly Carey Mulligan, who plays Jenny (who I've just found out was in one of my favourite episodes of Doctor Who; 'Blink').

Which leads me neatly onto…

The next Doctor Who special ('The Waters of Mars') looks a bit special, it's the start of the end for David Tennant's Doctor, and that makes me a little bit sad.

Tonight it's off to Leeds Met to see Grizzly Bear, who's third album 'Veckatimest' is one of the most charmingly odd and rewarding (if not immediately so) records that I've heard in the past year. So I'm rather excited. A review should hopefully follow shortly thereafter.

Then a month until the next gig, Megafaun in the Band Room in Farndale out in t'moors, who's album I'll be reviewing, well, when I've bought it.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging sir! Snacks are in the cafeteria to your left, and smoking is all outdoors these days I am afraid.
